The Farther Shore of Light

by Tony Khalife


“The Farther Shore of Light” is an excerpt from an ancient Vedic text the “Mundaka Unpanishad”: “Realize the Self as Om. Thus may you safely cross the waters of darkness and reach the farther shore of light.”  This recording supports the listener in the journey to that shore. The music enfolds you in Bhakti. It is an invitation and a guide to divine love. Ancient, powerful, Shakti-raising chants are resonantly intoned with the pronunciation, enunciation, and inflection that will awaken and animate the energies of these revered deities in your heart, while opening their ears to your prayers. Guitar, tabla, flute and frame drums support Khalife’s deeply moving vocals, accompanied by Ojai’s devotional choir The I-Sisters. Yoga studios all across the US will want to share this recording with students interested in learning proper pronunciation, enunciation, and inflection of sacred Sanskrit mantras, while being transported to the farther shore of light. Released in 2013